Thursday, April 23, 2015

Poem 6: Poetry Response

This Is Just To Say

William Carlos Williams1883 - 1963

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold
It's honestly amazing how popular this poem is! Whenever I read it again I wonder if Williams ever thought people would pay attention to such a poem, let alone have it known till this day. I found this poem to be incredibly humorous and the whole piece to be laced with sarcasm, from the title all the way to the end. 
To me it feels as though the title seems to be the person who ate the plums is saying "Just letting you know I ate your shit again, sorry not sorry but at least I'm telling you". At first the narrator is telling the person he ate the plums where the person had left them. After that the narrator lets the owner of the plum's know that he ate the plums even though he knew that the owner was obviously saving them for some reason. The the narrator has the audacity to let the owner of the plums know who amazing those plums tasted. Ending the poem like that really makes me wonder how the owner of the plums reacted not even towards the news that their food got eaten, but to the attitude of the narrator.
This poem reminds me of how it was growing up with my brothers and cousins. Being the youngest (they are all 4-12 years older) and the only girl was pretty hard. When they were all here during the summer we would constantly be out of food, so I had to start hiding food to eat during the day. If my parents would take my brothers and I out to eat they would fight and try and call dibs of my food before I even touched it. 
So because of this I felt for the owner of the plums, since I know how it is to get your things eaten constantly and for the person who does it not to care one bit which just makes it worse.

1 comment:

  1. This is great!:

    "To me it feels as though the title seems to be the person who ate the plums is saying "Just letting you know I ate your shit again, sorry not sorry but at least I'm telling you"."
